Results of the week in the "Duyunov's Motors" project

Results of the week in the "Duyunov's Motors" project

News from "Sovelmash"

A landmark event for the project! The first batch of boards assembled on the SMD assembly line at the Project Design and Technological Bureau has been handed over to the customer.

The company continued preparations for the launch of "Sovelmash". To our facilities has arrived the following equipment:

• an X-ray unit, which will be used for quality control of board assembly and soldering,
• a vibratory finishing machine,
• a rack for storing sheet metal,
• air purification filters for lasers,
• a compressor with a dryer for the laser tube-cutting machine,
• the next batch of vibration supports.

- The stamping machine has taken its place.
- The laser tube cutter has been launched, which will allow cutting lightweight blanks for the heavy drone "Motylek."
- Specialists worked on the drone: on the design of the rotor cover, blanks for motor frames, and the components of the power module. They prepared the quadcopter for flight tests.

Thanks to your investments, the technological capabilities of "Sovelmash" are now growing, which will significantly improve product quality and production speed.


The functionality for receiving shares in the personal account has become available to 4 more countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania. Investors from 109 countries can apply to exchange investment shares for company shares.

Learn more about the project's development in the "News" section of your personal session in the back-office.

*The translation was carried out with the assistance of artificial intelligence.

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